This is my blog where I hope to update everyone on my adventures with YWAM. :)

"He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and
to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Support Letter

This is my support letter (edited slightly for online) explaining the why, what, where and when of what I will be doing. 

This past year has been one of the most difficult and hardest times in my life. But through that God has shown up in a powerful way and brought a lot of great change in my life as well. I know He has so much more that He wants to do in me and through me, which is why I am very excited for this next chapter in my life.

It was over a year ago that God laid it on my heart that He wanted me to do a DTS and I am finally heeding His call. I will be attending a Compassion focus Discipleship Training School (DTS) through the organization Youth With  A Mission starting September 29th. I will be gone for 24 weeks; half of that time will be spent in Kona, Hawaii for schooling, learning about who God is and how to make Him known. The other half will be spent on outreach.

 "The outreach will focus on reaching the poor and needy, and children at risk.......We will reach out to those living in absolute poverty, the homeless, those struggling with life addictions, women and children at risk, and those have been sexually abused, trafficked or enslaved. Our hope is that out of our prayers and service new ministries will be birthed" 
Possible locations that I will go to on outreach are Rwanda, Cambodia, and Colombia among a few others that have yet to be decided. I am very excited for the outreach portion as I know that it will be a great opportunity to minister to those in need, as well as be stretched greatly in my faith. I'm so looking forward to what God is going to do in my life and the lives of others. I feel as if this new step in my life has been a long time coming and I'm thrilled to finally be embarking on it! 
The fees for the 12 week lecture phase are $3,995 which includes room, board and tuition. I will also need to raise more for airfare, housing and food during the 12 week outreach portion. If you feel led to support me whether financially and/or in prayer I would very much appreciate it! 
Specific prayer requests I have is that my health would stay stable. It's been an up and down road with my health and I am blessed that right now I am doing well, but I would appreciate prayers that it would stay that way, especially during the outreach portion! I would also like prayer that I would not let myself get too emotional, homesick, etc. I know that this school will be very intense I want to devote all my time and energy into it without letting my emotions get the best of me! 
I am excited for the opportunity to serve those hurting around the world, and hope to discover more about my purpose and the direction God has for my life. I want to thank you for being apart of this journey with me and for your support as I start a new season in my life.

If you would like to receive updates about my journey or if you would like to financially support me, you can email me at and I will add you to my mailing list!
 With love, Bethany 

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